
 Let's tell your story!

English skill: speaking.

Audience: foreign language students.

Level: low Intermediate.

Topic: storytelling.

Objective: to encourage students' oral production, using a random story they almost create that allows foreign language students to utilize and recognize the semiotic resources they prefer since the early semesters.


  1. Hi guys! Today we are going to apply what we were learning in this unity about storytelling. First, please check this website: https://www.plot-generator.org.uk/story/. Where you will be able to create a random short story with the elements that you would like to include.
  2. Then, let's fill in the blanks with the information you will like to see in your own story: the character's name, the end, the music, the place, etc. Be creative!
  3. Once you have finished to fill in the blanks. Generate your story with the "Write me a short story" button.
  4. Read your random story.
  5. With that story, you will create a short video (maximum 8 minutes long) where you record your voice telling the story with different images, sounds, music, titles, etc. Whatever you want to make your storytelling more dynamic, creative, and engaging.
Note: You could use any video editor you prefer to accomplish the assignment.



  1. Hi Jhan! I really like your proposal for this activity, it is really interesting to use the website you propose to create the story. I think this would work really well in a classroom. Also, creating the video allows students to practice other skills and abilities.Good job! :D

  2. Hi Jhan, I agree with Daniela. The website to create stories is a good one to design multimodal stories.
