

Target Audience: Advanced level

Objective: Elicit the students to read and interpret images beyond their literal meaning,

taking into account cultural references from English-speaking countries and/or popular

culture references potentially shared worldwide.


Description of the task:

This task has 2 optional parts. You are free to choose which one to make:

Option 1:

Choose one of the following memes posted below. Imagine as if you were to explain that

meme to someone who does not understand English nor the cultural reference the meme is about.

How would you explain both?

For your answer you are free to reply either with audio, video o text.

Meme 1

Meme 2

Meme 3

Meme 4

Meme 5

If your response is text you may write it down in the comments.

Otherwise, if your response is through video or audio, you may record it with your phone,
submit it to your Google Drive and share the link in the comments as well.


Option 2

Choose one of the following idioms:

  • Beat around the bush

  • Call it a day

  • Hit the sack

  • It’s not rocket science

  • Long story short

  • Speak of the devil

First, explain your own words what the chosen idiom means or think it means.

Then, go to

Once there, enter your chosen idiom in the search box. It will show you a variety of videos

where the entered criteria will be said at the right moment. For instance, if you enter the words

“under the weather”, it will show 282 videos where such phrase is uttered.


Try to look for videos that are not English-teaching videos, but aim for interviews, TedTalks,

video podcasts or any other type of video where the phrase is used authentically and not to

explain what it means. Because that will be your job. 

Once you select the video, take a brief look at it. It is recommended that you go back at least

5 to 10 second (or more if you consider it necessary) to get more context. Then, answer:

Is the use of that idiom the same as you formerly described?

What does that idiom mean in this context?

What does the person (or people) in the video uses it for?

For more information on how to use that website and what to avoid when performing the task, watch

this video:


  1. Hi Alejandro! I chose the first activity. Meme 1
    It is funny because date can mean either the date in means of what day is it or date as a meeting you have with someone you like to flirt with them. That is to say in Spanish that "Date" means cita but also fecha. It is also funny because according to the country or the language, the date format may vary from having the month first or the day. In spanish for example, we use day/month/year so it is our prefered and easy to recognize format.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Alejandro, I already commented about the task in class. It is good that you established the target audience and level. I can also see that the level corresponds to the type of task designed. The task are creative and involve cultural knowledge which is interesting. I also appreciate that you created a tutorial to help understand how to use the website about video clips. Remember what I mentioned. Many times less is more. Instructions have to be clear, specific. Transmodal sequences must be planned not just do listening, speaking or writing and do any of the activities I leave for you. That shows lack of planning and clarity about instructional purposes. Things you missed in the task: It is not clear what you are or how you will evaluate or assess this tasks. Check out the task instructions for this assignment. You will find objectives, instructions and grading scheme. You did not either respond to your classmate's post as instructed. Take into account that engaging is conversation is what makes this assignments enriching.
