Ana María_2023

My proposal for a multimodal task is about our first impressions and feelings when learning a new language.
 When we are learning a new language, we may have a cocktail of emotions, going from enthusiasm to frustration or even self-doubt about our progress. However, among this blend of feelings, there may be a kind of curiosity and determination to master new linguistic challenges.

In this homework activity, we are going to reflect upon feelings and attitudes towards the language learning journey.


To start, please watch the following extract from the TV show FRIENDS and complete the following activity.

-What is Joey’s attitude when he tries to learn French and Phoebe's attitude helping him ? Write your opinion about Joey's attitude.

(comment below) 

Try to recall your first emotions when you were learning English or French, and record an audio sharing your feelings. You can use this website to do so:

(Comment below the link for your record)

 Finally, watch this video and respond to the questions below about frustration in language learning.

- What is the main advice Steve Kaufmann gives for language learning? 

- What is his opinion about forgetting words when learning a new language?


  1. -What is Joey’s attitude when he tries to learn French and Phoebe's attitude helping him ? Write your opinion about Joey's attitude.

    I think Joey was not opened enough to learning. I saw that chapter and Joey said that for him french always sounded the same. Even when he was being teach step by step he continued to have the same idea in his mind and repeated what he has heard all his life when hearing french speakers. Phoebe was frustrated because she was doing her best to break the lesson in parts so Joey could understand but he wasn't. I can understand her frustation because she is not a teacher, she haven't got any pedagogic formation.

    - What is the main advice Steve Kaufmann gives for language learning?
    Do what you like in the target language, then you will learn with not pressure.

    - What is his opinion about forgetting words when learning a new language?
    I think is pretty normal because we also forget words that we don't use in our own first language

    1. Hi Valentina, interesting what you mention that you relate with Joey. Yes, once we pass the critical period, we lose capacity to detect nuances in another language. This is why many sounds would sound the same and that can be frustrating. This is why we study phonetics and phonology. Knowing the mode and point of articulation helps us understand why one sound is different from another one.

  2. What is Joey’s attitude when he tries to learn French and Phoebe's attitude helping him ? Write your opinion about Joey's attitude.

    I think at first he is not really interested and that's why he kind of blocks himself from learning. He grows frustrated because he knows that not learning French will affect his audition, so that frustrastion also doesn't allow him to understand the language.

    Try to recall your first emotions when you were learning English or French, and record an audio sharing your feelings. You can use this website to do so:

    - What is the main advice Steve Kaufmann gives for language learning?

    He advices to do whatever you enjoy doing, whether reading grammar or using unconventional methods. He states that we must enjoy doing what we're doing, otherwise we're gonna get frustrated and never properly learn

    - What is his opinion about forgetting words when learning a new language?

    He says it is normal to forget words, it is just a matter of constant practice

    1. Alejandro,
      I agree with you pronunciation can be frustrating and especially if you try to make sense of it by comparing it to the logics of your L1, like thinking of the numbers in French as you mention. I think we should just learn it as it is because comparisons will lead us to think that it is hard or senseless. But languages have their own internal coherence. It makes sense to users of them, not to those outside of it.

    2. Hi Ana María,
      As I said in class when we analyzed your post, I think you make different transmodal moves that provide different opportunities for language production. I think there is a theme that you develop through different sources but I am not sure how this would be helpful because depending on the language level or class, this may end up being too complex or long. However, I can see that your classmates made interesting posts about the tasks. About what you missed in this assignment. You mention the objective but not the target population and language level. You don't indicate what or how you will grade from this task. See how I set up the task and you will find all the components: objective, task descriptions, grading scheme. Finally, you don't react to your classmates posts. You were supposed to reply to them and also react to their own posts. I did not see your name in theirs.
