
 Dear All, 

this is the assignment that will count as the journal for this week. 

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The purpose of the activity is to combine theory with practice about multimodality and the design of multimodal tasks for language teaching and learning. 

These are the instructions:

1. First do the reading about multimodality, multiliteracies and language teaching  

2. Check out this booklet about digital activities for language teaching 

3. After checking out the two materials, I would like you to design a multimodal task about any language skill based on the resources that you the booklet describes. 

3. Create the multimodal task and post it here on this blog. I have created a page for each one of you so that you can edit it and add your activity. Imagine this is an activity for a hypothetical class you are teaching. Think of a specific population and language level that you may be teaching. Choose a topic on that basis. 

4. On your post, you need to describe the intended audience and level. Also, you will need to make a post just as you would do it if you were assigning the task to your students. 

5. Visit two of your classmates' blogs and do the tasks they propose. After completing the task, provide comments to your classmates. How did you feel? Is it well planned? How good is it as a multimodal text and task? Are the meaning-making objective and the language skill focused clear? Use the concepts from the material read in class. 

6. After you have received feedback you must reply to the two classmates that commented and did your task.

6. For you to be able to make your post you will have to be able to log in Blogger. For this you will need an email account and password. The user is: and the password is Appliedlinguistics2022

7. For you to be able to make your post, you will need to watch this tutorial. I hope it is clear. let me know if you have any questions.

8. The assignment must be posted by Wednesday, July 27 by noon.

9. The feedback and reply to the feedback must be posted by midnight on that same day (Wednesday). 

10. The grading criteria include: 

-Punctuality to make the assignment. 

-That you followed instructions given. 

-Clarity of instructions for students

-Feedback to two two of your classmates' tasks and reply to their feedback.

-Quality of activity 

Let me know if you have any questions!

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