
 Hi everyone! 

The task I propose today is for intermediate learners looking to improve their writing skills and their creativity. Also, to practice the use of past tenses and description. 

Please watch the video below: 

Imagine you had to narrate what is going on in the video to someone that cannot see it. First write your narration and make sure to use past tenses and descriptions to explain the actions on the video. Finaly, give a comment about how you like it (or not). 

When your narration text is ready, check out if it has any mistakes to correct using this platform:

When your text is ready, please record yourself reading it with the intonation and rhythm of a narrator, think about the narrators of the films and tales you like, What is their style? How do they change their reading to keep you connected with the story? 

To record yourself you can use this platform

Make sure to upload your response to this blog, you can either upload the recording here or upload it to our course folder and paste the link here. 

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. 

Looking foward to hearing your narrations, have a great weekend!



  2. Here is my narration :

    Really nice task Val. I enjoyed watching the short film and writing the story. It was a bit challenging but really good to evaluate creativity.

  3. Hello Valentina, this is a good task. I like the muted video which allows students to have different interpretations. You provide instructions and sort of the objectives. I can see that you view of language seems between a functional (descriptions) and structural (past tense) view.
    Things that you missed from the instruction: The target population and level were not mentioned. You did not state how you were going to grade this task. How long was the recording supposed to be? Finally, you did no react to your classmates' post.
    You also need to be more specific about instruction. Notice that you said. use vocaroo or post it in your Google drive. Why Google Drive of Vocaroo is easier. This creates situations such for example that Alejandro's post cannot be accessed because we don't have permission.
