
What my life used to be like...

Language skill: speaking.
Level: intermediate.
Topic: Used to and descriptions.

Objective: To develop students’ ability to talk about past habits using “used to” in the context of childhood.

Hello everyone!

Do you think life used to be better when we were younger? Well, many people do. 
Watch this video and ask yourself about the things you think used to be better in the past. 

Now, develop the following activities: 

1. Get together with a partner and discuss this question: What kinds of things did you use to do as a kid but don't do anymore? 

2. Use this game to test yourself. Once you finish, compare your results with a partner. 

3. Find a group of 3-4 people and get ready to travel back in time. Use the following cards to discuss about the things that you used to do and the ones you didn't use to do, ask questions using the topics on the cards. For instance: "Did you use to play with blocks when you were a child?" "No, I used to play with plasticine, I loved making little figures with it". See if you have things in common with your team. 

4. Finally, create a mini poster with pictures of different objects and places that you used to play with or visit and with a short presentation show your classmates what your life used to be like when you were a child. *If you prefer to create the poster on a digital app, feel free to do so!

1 comment:

  1. Daniela, this is a fine task. I enjoyed the game!! The last activity seems meaningful!!
